
                                                                                           PO Box 656 Lavington                                                                          (02) 6108 3616

                                                                                            NSW 2641  Australia                                                                                                                                      

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AAAHP business hours and after hours telephone: 61 (0)2 6108 3616. Please note: AAAHP will not return overseas calls.All overseas inquiries are to be via email or post.

  • Register

Register with AAAHP



To ensure the highest possible standards in anaesthesia practice in Australia, Australian Anaesthesia Allied Health Practitioners, forthwith called the Society, is calling upon all persons who currently work either full time or part time or who are currently undertaking the recognised training to become an Anaesthesia Allied Health Practitioner/ Technician to VOLUNTARILY REGISTER with this Society.

Full Registration

Are you an Anaesthesia Assistant, with an AAAHP-recognised qualification, working in Australia and/or New Zealand? If so you may be eligible for Full Registration with AAAHP. If you have a UK qualification and are listed on the HCPC register your qualification may be accepted by AAAHP. If you are registered with the NZATS and you are on their Register, then your qualifications may recognised by AAAHP. If you have trained and attained you qualifications outside either of these countries and Australia you will need to have your Qualifications assessed at this website , Australian Qualifications Assesment . Once you either meet any of the above conditions or have received an assessment of your qualifications, then you will be assessed by AAAHP for your eligibility for membership. Once you are accepted and payment is made, this is currently set at A$80, you will be issued with a registration number and be entitled to member benefits.

Register now 


Download Registration Form

Migrating to Australia

If you have migrated to Australia from any other country other than the UK or NZ, you will need to have your Qualifications assessed at this website , Australian Qualifications Assessment  .

1) Acquire appropriate Visas to work in Australia.

2) Complete the IELTS at

3)Apply for employment at any Health Service across Australia.

4) If requested to join AAAHP by your new employer please contact us at .


Associate Registration

If you have an Australian AAAHP-recognized qualification but are currently working outside of Australia and/or New Zealand, or if you do not possess the required documentation or qualifications to be eligible for full registration with AAAHP, you qualify for Associate Registration. This gives you all the benefits of full registration other than voting rights or the opportunity to stand for positions on the AAAHP committee, Or, from 01/01/2025, being eligible for the Alison Holloway Award. This is currently set at A$55. Register now

This Society receives advice from overseas registering bodies regarding those people who have been disqualified from working as an assistant to the anaesthetist.

Renewal of Registration

Registration is due for renewal on the 1st of July of each year. The renewal fee is A$80.00 per annum (or A$55.00 for Associate Registration). Registrants will receive a renewal notification via email two weeks prior to renewal date so it is important to ensure that we have your correct email address. Log in and click on your name to check your profile.

Past members who wish to renew their membership will be charged a $20 admin fee (Unless you have notified the Registrar previously)

New Registration

Fill in the online registration form below or download and complete the registration form

Documentation to be provided:

  • Passport sized photo (upload a digital photo with your online application)
  • Certified copy of qualification (if applicable) Upload a certified copy of your Qualification to our Google server.
  • Application fee
Associate Registration

This is available to those individuals who.

1) Do not reside in Australia or New Zealand, but currently hold the appropriate qualifications.

2) Reside in Australia or New Zealand but do not meet our educational criteria.

3) Reside outside Australia and New Zealand but do not meet our educational criteria.

This level of membership gives the registrant all the benefits of full registration other than voting rights or the opportunity to stand for positions on the AAAHP committee or, from the 01/01/2025, be eligible for the Alison Holloway Award.

Current membership rate for Associate Membership is A$55.

Student Registration
Students are to complete the registration form below, selecting Student Registration. Students who are enrolled in the Diploma of Anaesthesia Technology, the current application fee is A$25.00 for Student Registration. Upon graduation students are able to apply for Full Registration. Register now


  • HLT57915 is the current version of the Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology
  • HLT50607 Past version of Diploma of Paramedical Science(Anaesthesia)
  • HLT50612 Past version of Diploma of Paramedical Science (Anaesthesia)
  • HLT50602 Past version of Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology
  • Certificate IV in Anaesthesia


Obsolete Qualifications eligible for Full Membership

  • Associate Degree/ Diploma in Clinical Techniques (Anaesthetics) (QLD.) Applicant with this qualification must provide proof of full time employment as an anaesthetic technician for the last 3 years.
  • ASAT (NSW) Diploma. Applicant with this qualification must provide proof of full time employment as an anaesthetic technician for the last 3 years.
  • Associate Diploma of Australian Society of Anaesthetic & Operating Theatre Technicians - ASAOTT (Vic & WA.) Applicant with this qualification must provide proof of full time employment as an anaesthetic technician for the last 3 years.


Footnote:     AAAHP will not comment on eligibility for employment.

                       AAAHP have no remit or authority to make such a judgement.

                  Eligibility for employment is solely the remit of prospective employers.


Student membership

  • All Student membership applications to AAAHP must be undertaking current version of Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology.

 Migrating to Australia 

Overseas Qualifications for membership

  • The Diploma in Applied Science (Anaesthetic Technology) as issued by the Auckland University of Technology
  • Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) in Operating Department Practice-Great Britain
  • Any Full membership applications from countries, or applicants that don’t possess these qualifications must refer to the following website for assessment , , on assessment of your overseas qualification please submit certified copies to AAAHP registrar for consideration of membership to AAAHP ,at, or mail to Registrar AAAHP, PO BOX 656 , Lavington , NSW, 2641

Employment Confirmation
You must submit a statement of service indicating the Hospital's address, position you are appointed, your employment status and length of employment from an authorised person within your Human Resources Department or your line manager.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
This Society along with Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetist’s Professional Standard Statement PS08 'Assistant to the Anaesthetist' requires ongoing maintenance of professional knowledge and skills.

This may be achieved through self directed learning, accredited course, attendance at in-services, conferences and/or seminars, development and presentation of in-services and talks.

CPD will be audited randomly on a yearly basis to ensure that current CPD hours are being obtained. Failure to accrue 20 hours CPD a year may render registration void although consideration will be taken into account if the registrant accrues sufficient hours within a nominated time period granted by the society. Accrual of CPD falls on registration date, not calendar year.

Download Continuing Professional Development Record sheet

Code of Ethics/ Conduct
Once notified that your application has been accepted you will be subject to the Code of Conduct issued by the Society.

Changing your Particulars
It is most important that the National Register be maintained as up-to-date as possible. You are therefore required to maintain your online registration profile, and notify the REGISTRAR  of AAAHP within two months of any change of name. When you notify the Society please provide full personal details including address and your registration number. To update your ID photo, click here.

Personal Conduct
If you have you been barred from practice in any country, removed from the register of a professional or regulatory body, have ever had a criminal conviction or any criminal proceedings currently filed against you will have to be declared to the Society. This does not necessarily mean that your registration will be declined. Please make a full, accurate and separate confidential disclosure of the circumstances with your application. Conditions of employment require a criminal record screen prior to employment.

Register with AAAHP

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